Community Events

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"Human Flow" - Film Screening Refugee Benefit
4:00 PM16:00

"Human Flow" - Film Screening Refugee Benefit

Families, friends and neighbors are all invited to attend the screening in the Fellowship Hall at Claremont Presbyterian Church. Light refreshments will be available.

"When there is nowhere to go, nowhere is home."

The film Human Flow was created by Chinese artist and dissident Ai Weiwei. It was an official selection at the 2017 Venice Film Festival and was nominated for an Academy Award as Best Documentary.

The suggested donation is $15.00 - $20.00 and all proceeds will go directly to refugee families.

To view a trailer visit

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Waffle Church
10:00 AM10:00

Waffle Church

Celebrate the Easter Season with us in Fellowship Hall on Sunday, March 25 at 10:00 a.m. for Waffle Church.

Waffle church is a child-centered family worship service that includes worshiping God together through story, art and music. Waffle church is designed to respect and celebrate the enthusiasm and energy of children in worship, and it includes a lot of movement and child-centered activities – and of course waffles!

We will also have an Easter Egg Hunt!

(A traditional worship service will take place in the Sanctuary at the same time.)

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Agenda for a Prophetic Faith Lecture "American Muslims in the Age of President Trump"
7:00 PM19:00

Agenda for a Prophetic Faith Lecture "American Muslims in the Age of President Trump"

by Amir Hussain

Muslims, both within America and around the world, are the religious community that is most affected by the presidency of Donald J. Trump. Amir Hussain is both an American Muslim and a scholar of Islam in North America. Wearing either or both hats, it is clear to him that the remaining years of the Trump administration will continue to be difficult times to be an American Muslim. Professor Hussain will talk about the challenges raised for American Muslims, including issues such as travel bans, Islamophobic tweets, and administrative appointments. He will also look at the realities of Muslim life in the United States.



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Soup Friday
5:30 PM17:30

Soup Friday

A warm meal and conversation, nothing fancy. Warm up those crock pots! Soup Friday continues for a limited run through March!

If you haven't come before, soup Fridays is a chance to get together to enjoy a simple meal at the end of the work week and enjoy each others' company. Whatever you feel like bringing, whether it's soup, bread, or a dish you would like to share is great. And if you can't bring something, come anyway! We always seem to have enough.

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