Our Campus
The Claremont Presbyterian Church is a diverse campus that includes a children's center, fellowship hall, several courtyards, memorial garden, natural pathways, gardens, various educational and activity rooms, and our sanctuary. View our campus gallery below to take a look at our spaces or contact us to request specific information.

Our sanctuary was built in 1965 to accommodate a young congregation growing rapidly from the post World War II baby-boom, and from a huge increase in migration to southern California from other parts of the U.S. As planning for the sanctuary began, a group of artists and theologians gathered to develop a series of windows that would be both beautiful and instructive. Working with Judson Studios, often referred to as the "the Tiffany's of the West," the group designed windows of faceted, colored glass depicting various themes of the Christian faith. These include The Life of Christ, The Prophets, The Twelve Disciples, The Reformation and The Elements of Worship. At the same time another team worked to design and install our beautiful pipe organ. Today the sanctuary provides worship space for three different congregations, for evening Jazz Vespers services, and for many concerts and events that are open to the whole community.

In addition to our sanctuary, our campus includes a large Fellowship Hall, multi-purpose classrooms, a small prayer chapel, a music building, several offices and a daycare center. Our campus is home to four worshiping communities: our own congregation, Iglesia Presbiteriana Hispana Emmanuel, GPIB Indonesian Fellowship and Claremont Korean Presbyterian. The non-profit Claremont After School Program has its administrative offices on our campus, as well as one of its largest tutoring sites. Claremont Presbyterian Children's Center has served families in and around Claremont for over thirty years by providing quality childcare and age-appropriate education for each child, regardless of race, creed or religion. This is a loving and open Christian environment.