It's Back to School Time
Mountain View virtual learning school starts on Wednesday September 2, 2020.
The parents will be collecting school supplies for their children registered in grades K-6 on Tuesday September 1, 2020, from the Mt. View Campus, outside their students’ classroom.
We ALL have an opportunity to participate in our CPC/Mountain View Back-to-School School Supplies and fund-raiser Initiative!!
You can participate by donating gift cards and/or supplies, and by volunteering on one or both of the two drive-by collection days at CPC.
We will offer two drive-by collection times:
Saturday August 29, 2020, between 6-7 PM before Evening Prayer on the Lawn
Monday August 31, 2020 between 8:30 & 10:30 AM.
Please gather, shop and plan on doing drive-by delivery at Claremont Presbyterian Church for students (491) , teachers(22) and administrative Staff. (2)
(Please note: these are specific needs as requested by the Mountain View Teachers for their grades K-6, complied into one list)
Staples Gift Cards in any amount and quantity
Crayons – 24 count individual boxes
0.7 mm
Colored pencils – assorted 24 count boxes
Individual, personal pencil sharpeners
Lined student paper , 3-hole punch
Construction Paper – Variety pack
Plain white printer paper
Spiral lined notebooks, 3-hole-punched
3-ring binders ( 1”- 1 ½” – 2”)
Pocket Subject-Dividers, 3 hole-punched, – 8 pack
3-ring hole-punched clear zippered pencil/pen/marker holder-bags
Folders- with pockets/ folders without pockets ok
Yellow and Pink Highlighters
Single fine-point black sharpies
Paper-mate flair felt-tip pens: red, blue, black, green + two colors of choice
Individual white boards, white-board markers and eraser
General Supplies:
Post-it notes
Elmer’s Glue-individual small size
“Standard-sized” desk supply box
Grades 5-6 only
Rulers with customary and metric measurements
Play - Doh
8-color watercolor set
10-pack sheet protectors
back packs
Monetary donations or checks made out to Claremont Presbyterian Church, memo specifically to Mountain View Back-to-School Drive are always welcomed!
We'll have folks helping to divide the supplies into boxes as the supplies are collected, in the drive-by delivery, by category, so it makes it easy to distribute.
If possible, if you can pre-package your supplies, by type, that would be really helpful!
What a great partnership for CPC to help support our neighbor, Mountain View Elementary School, to help the students have a fun-filled, productive, at-home learning environment, and to help the teachers to create an environment, according to principal Rria Cruz-Soto, in which “learning is joyful”!!
Thanks for your help and support in this fun, exciting and really helpful opportunity to support and to partner with Mountain View!