What are you waiting for?
That box from Amazon or a holiday card from an old friend? In the Christian tradition, Advent is time of waiting, a time of preparation, a time for getting in touch with all the ways we long for the world to be different than it is. Join us for this Advent season Jazz Vespers where we will wait with and watch together for glimpses of hope, light, and transformation. We will contemplate contemporary translations of sacred texts of the season and celebrate with jazz renditions of classic carols and songs.
The music is offered by vocalist Debbi Ebert along with bassist Baba Elefante, drummer Steve Dixon, the trumpet of Paul Seaforth, and Richard Abraham on piano - making up a group of exceptional jazz musicians from the Los Angeles area. They come through the California Jazz Arts Society (CalJAS), under the Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation law for public and charitable purposes 501©(3), and help to preserve and promote jazz and other American art forms through concerts, workshops and presentations.
A free-will donation will be accepted to support the Jazz Vespers series and Inland Valley Hope Partners. IVHP brings together faith communities, businesses, individuals, and community groups, and ensures the empowerment of people in need by providing food, shelter, and supportive services.